Meeting 07/15/2024 7:00 pm
Darren, Tony, Leonora, Mike, Greg ,Rachael, Dale attending
Darren asks Dale to introduce himself. Dale is the grant coordinator for THSO and DUI team leader for the district.
Darren will work on a foundation email for Dale and Mike. Law enforcement conference August 14-16th. There is an agenda on website. . Times are 8-5. Conference is at Embassy Suites. Scott has ordered patches. Scott said he could donate patches for hats. Darren suggests Twine do a fundraiser. Darren suggests we do a qr code and they order hats straight from Twine and they ship. Darren ordered 25 polo shirts in dark blue and embroidered. Medium thru 3x in 5 of each size. We will take tshirts and bracelets to sell.
Tony has price on wrapping trailer of $2200.00. We had a trailer donated from BJs Trailers and we plan to wrap it. We will advertise the trailer company as well as THSO. Tony discusses the wrap and how best to do it. Rachael asks if we want more bids than 1 from Asel Pope. We need to get a few quotes. Leo will get quotes on insurance when Rachael sends details on trailer.
We will meet on August 12th before conference. We will get quotes to be completed by August 10th on trailer and Tony will take care of that. Mike wants a list of agencies getting grant money so we don't focus on those agencies. Darren will talk to Greg about putting on a class. Greg needs 2 months for basic class but longer for advanced class.