September 16, 2021 Minutes
In Attendance: Darren Barnes, Leonora Clifford, Tony Clifford, Joyce Legieza, Ricky Kelly, Adam Barnes
and Jay Lewis.
Darren calls the meeting and the minutes from previous meeting are approved as written with Ricky
making a motion and Joyce seconding. Motion carries.
Old Business
Joyce gives the treasurer report. The Foundation has taken in no money and has no bank account. The
by laws and corporate resolution will need to be signed by the secretary prior to an account being set
up. Joyce stated Reliant was a bit difficult to reach so she contacted Vol State. They were more
responsive and she found them to be able to waive the $12.00 monthly fees upon approval by bank. Vol State is easily accessible for her also. Tony motions we accept Vol State as our bank of choice and Ricky seconds and motion carries. TN does not require an operating agreement but by laws must be accepted to open an account. Tony motions that we accept Chairman, vice chairman and treasurer to be signatories on account, Jay seconds and motion carries.
The discussion of any logo is tabled until Brent can be present. Ricky states the Foundation needs to be
the focus and reflected in the logo.
Jay discusses the golf tournament and requests to reconsider this event due to the cost of the event. A
Hole In One tournament might be a quicker and easier way to raise some funds and Jay will connect
with Brent to discuss. Nashville Golf and Athletic is one location that is mentioned to host the event. A
one day event on a Monday when most courses are closed will be the best choice and Jay will be team lead on this.
New Business
State law requires specific officers. Jay motions and Tony seconds to accept the recommended list of
officers. Insurance will be needed and policies will most likely be D & O insurance and general liability. Leonora will look into applications needed for this but money will be needed to put anything into force.
Board members and board officers are needed and Ricky states we already meet this criteria.
The Foundation will need a formal MOU to accept any donations for Special Olympics.
Darren has reached out to Chaz Morton to see where we are on our paperwork and see his interest in
continuing to be involved. Ricky suggests an alternative attorney named Chuck Blackard and will reach
out to him. We need to verify we are correctly set up with the state and federal government to be
approved as a 501C3.
Fundraising option is discussed at Nissan Stadium. 15 people are needed at a stand and a 3 hour course will need to be completed by each volunteer prior to their shift. Bridgestone may offer a similar
opportunity. Darren calls Tracey Mitchell with Nissan to get more details on the fundraiser. She will
email him a schedule of available games and dates. She states that it works better to man an entire
stand but sharing is available. The time to be there is about 10 to 11 hours per shift for everyone in the
stand. Ricky has 2 artists who can put together a background band. He estimates the cost to be $15K to get the proposed event in June off the ground. We need a wish list of artists to contact. Jeff Carson and Becky Coyle are interested and on board. The house band would be used to support an artist for 3 songs.
Shooter Jennings, Lee Brice, Clay Walker and Saving ABle are mentioned as possibilities for the event.
The most important way to get artists is to ask them.
Tony motions we accept the mission statement excluding item #3. Jay seconds and motion passes.
Tony motions to lower board members to 8 with Ricky giving a second. Motion carries.
Research is needed to figure out how to stagger elections so the entire board is not up for election at
one time. We need advice on that issue as well as the succession of officers.
Article 1 background as written is discussed. Jay motions to accept with a second by Tony. Joyce
requests additional discussion on the wording and Jay withdraws his motion.
Bylaws will be discussed at the next meeting with an email going out for discussion. Meeting is
The next meeting will be October 7th at the Marriott.
Leonora Clifford
615-481-9473 (cell)